04 – Brand Collaterals

02 – Brand Logo

Visual Style

Brand Colors

The primary colors of the KAAY logo are neon green and a dark grey. These colors have been chosen to represent the innovation and precision that are at the core of our brand. The neon green is a bold and eye-catching color that represents our drive to push the boundaries of what is possible in the web3 space. The dark grey is a neutral color that represents the precision and attention to detail that is integral to our work.

For the secondary backgrounds, we recommend using a super light grey and a white background. The light grey background complements the neon green and dark grey colors of the logo and provides a clean and modern look. The white background is a classic choice that keeps the logo simple and timeless.

Primary Colors

We suggest to use the neon green as the primary color and the dark grey as a secondary color, this way the logo keeps its high impact and legibility. However, the logo can also be reversed, using the dark grey as the primary color and the neon green as a secondary color. This option can be useful for situations where the neon green color is too bright or not suitable, like in print or on a dark background.

Overall, the color combinations of the primary logo have been carefully chosen to represent the essence of our brand and to ensure that the logo stands out and is legible in any context.


RGB 14 14 14
CMYK 0 0 0 95


RGB 190 248 79
CMYK 23 0 68 3

Secondary Colors

For the secondary backgrounds, we recommend using a super light grey and a white background. The light grey background complements the neon green and dark grey colors of the logo and provides a clean and modern look. The white background is a classic choice that keeps the logo simple and timeless.


HEX #894FF8
RGB 137 79 248
CMYK 45 68 0 3


RGB 241 240 237
CMYK 0 0 2 5


RGB 221 218 211
CMYK 0 1 5 13

Primary Typeface

The brand font for KAAY is Inter. Inter is a modern, versatile and highly legible typeface that was designed to be used in digital interfaces. It was created by Rasmus Andersson, a type designer and engineer based in Sweden.

One of the key features of Inter is its support for multiple scripts, which means it can be used for many languages. This makes it a great choice for an international brand like KAAY. Additionally, the font is designed to work well on screens, which is essential for a digital agency like ours.

In summary, Inter was selected as the brand font for KAAY because of its modern, versatile and highly legible design, its wide range of weights and styles, its support for multiple scripts, and its optimized design for screens.
We believe that Inter is the perfect font to represent the forward-thinking and innovative spirit of our brand.


Inter is a variable-weight typeface, which means you are able to customize weights and angles to create an infinite number of weights. That being said, we typically stay within these four weights.

Use contrast between heavy and lighter weights to communicate relevant importance, otherwise known as hierarchy, of information.

Inter Light



Inter Regular



Inter Medium



Inter Bold



Using Type Rules

When constructing layouts, these tips will help you build dynamic, interesting, and on-brand compositions with typography.

While these rules are proven and sound, sometimes breaking them is the right call.

1 – Stay Left-Aligned

Legibility and clarity are vitally important to great typographical layouts. Since most people read from left to right, we should align our type accordingly. And besides, we’re a little off-center as a brand anyway.

2 – Skip Weights & Double Size

Contrast is the name of the game when it comes to great design. When in doubt, skip a weight when pairing two weights, and double the size between two text elements.

3 – Align X-Heights or Baselines

Whenever you place text next to each other, either align the baselines (the line that the bottom of a lowercase x sits on) or align the x-heights (the top of a lowercase x). This helps align each line visually.

4 – Watch The Rag

When setting paragraphs, keep an eye on the right (ragged) edge. If the rag unintentionally creates a recognizeable shape, consider tweaking the language or resizing the container. Also, try to prevent single-word lines (orphans).

5 – Give Things Space, If Needed

Negative space, or the space around elements is vitally important. That being said, if informational elements belong together, move them closer together. Use grouping wisely: just try not to cram too many things in one space!

6 – Keep Line Length Reasonable

It is easy for the user to get lost in long lines of text, and short ones are easily ignored. It’s best to keep lines between 45 and 70 characters long, depending on the size of the font. This will ensure legibility as the font sizes increase or decrease.


At KAAY, we believe that high-quality photography is an essential component of our brand. We use photography to showcase our work, our team, and our clients. Our photography should be visually stunning, engaging, and should accurately reflect our brand values and personality.


KAAY uses a grid structure on the website design to ensure a clean, organized and visually appealing layout, while maintaining a consistent and balanced design. The grid enhances user experience and adapts to different screens. It aligns with our brand's minimalistic approach and focus on precision and attention to detail.

Kaay Web3 Studio © 2024

Brand Guidelines Manual

Kaay Web3 Studio © 2024

Brand Guidelines Manual

Kaay Web3 Studio © 2024

Brand Guidelines Manual